Hande Ilgaz, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology


      Office: H-154
      Phone: +90 312 290 20 65
      E-mail: hande.ilgaz@bilkent.edu.tr
      Lab Website: http://web2.bilkent.edu.tr/bilge/






  • PhD Lehigh University 2011
  • Former Affiliation:
    • Post-doctoral researcher at Temple University 2011-2013


Focus on children’s cognitive, language and socio-cognitive development.

Conference Presentations

Ilgaz, H., Allen, J.W.P., & Haskaraca, F.N. (June, 2019) When Cultural Variation is the Norm: A Critical Look at the ToM Scale. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society (JPS).  Portland, Oregon.

Aydın, E, Ilgaz, H., Allen, J. W. P., (May, 2018). Fact vs. Fiction: Preschoolers’ learning of information from informational vs. narrative books. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society (JPS).  Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Bozbıyık, B, Ilgaz, H., Allen, J. W. P., (May, 2018). “Look! Do you see? In fact, the frog got married and had lots of kids!” Re-visiting the relation between maternal use of mental state words in storytelling and children’s theory of mind abilities. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society (JPS).  Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Mutlu, E, Ilgaz, H., Allen, J. W. P., (May, 2018). The role of education in urban Turkish Mothers’ perceptions of play, attitudes toward play, and play behavior. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society (JPS).  Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Recent Publications

Dickinson, D.K., Nesbitt, K.T., Collins, M.F., Hadley, E.,B., Newman, K., Rivera, B.L, Ilgaz, H., Nicolopoulou, A., Golinkoff, R.M., & Hirsh-Pasek-K. (2019). Teaching for breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge: Learning from explicit and implicit instruction and the storybook texts. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 47, 341-356.


Toub, T. S., Hassinger-Das, B., Nesbitt, K. T., Ilgaz, H., Weisberg, D. S., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Golinkoff, R. M., Nicolopoulou, A., & Dickinson, D. K. (2018). The Language of Play: Developing Preschool Vocabulary Through Play Following Shared Book-reading, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 45, 1-17.